Sunday 19 November 2017

Progress Reports

Fellow teachers,

It’s that time of year again. The daunting task is upon us…progress reports! How do I prepare? How do I remain sane? 

Well for starters…you must be super organized!  Prepare yourself for progress reports well in advance. 

When I prepare for progress reports, I begin by reviewing my students’ report cards and progress reports from the previous year. This gives me an idea of how students progressed in the past. This is especially helpful, if you are a new teacher or in an LTO (contract) position.

Secondly, I choose to review the learning skills and their definition. This gives me an idea of what is expected for each learning skill. Next, I discuss what their meaning is with my class and how they can achieve each learning skill. By modelling and discussing learning skills, students will be able to attain them. 

I have students self evaluate how they believe they are doing. I give them a template of each learning skill with the following options: Needs of improvement, satisfactory, good and excellent. After students complete the template, I conference with the students and provide descriptive feedback. 

In terms of subject area, I provide students with a variety of assessments leading up to the progress reports. This is crucial in order to figure out how they are progressing. I am sure to make ongoing anecdotal notes. T

These are just some brief tips.  I am by no means an expert so I’d love to hear from you…how do you prepare for reports and ensure that you are ready for interviews with parents?  Please comment below.  

Good luck with your reports!


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